Defining Magic

Recently, I attended a fascinating discussion about the definition of magic and how it fits in with scientific investigation. I found it really interesting and I’d like to share some of the points here.

When we talk about magic, most people have some idea what we mean by this word. Images of wizards, witches or stage magicians come to mind, and we understand magic to be some form of manipulation of the physical world by means that cannot be explained by the usual laws of physics. Whether we’re talking about magic tricks or magic spells, we’re generally looking causing some effect that seems to be physically impossible. We also tend to expect that if we perform the same trick or spell, we’ll see the same physical result. Read more

Positive Thinking with Props

Recently I was asked about paganism and witchcraft, and I thought it about what those things mean to me. This is what I came up with.

Paganism is an umbrella term for a wide range of belief systems centered around nature. Practitioners range from reconstructionists, who aim to follow the traditions and beliefs of their ancestors, to eclectics who mix together bits and pieces from a range of religions and belief systems to create something quite unique to them. Beliefs about god range from polytheism to athiesm, and some also believe in spirits, angels, fairies and demons. Read more